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Earthquake Information

For the Press

Seismologists from Caltech and the U.S. Geological Survey (USGS) will typically be available to reporters for interviews, and may conduct briefings in the Media Center at the Caltech Seismological Laboratory (Seismolab), immediately following widely felt local and regional quakes and significant international quakes.

To find out if the center is open, to schedule an interview, or for questions about recent quakes, call the 24-hour earthquake hotline at (626) 449-2631. Calls from members of the media only will be returned.

Media Center

The Media Center at the Caltech Seismological Laboratory is located on the northeast corner of California Boulevard and Wilson Avenue in Pasadena, on the second floor of the South Mudd building, room 269. Media trucks can park on the sidewalk, from which they can access an outside audiovisual panel that allows for video feeds to the trucks.

For Everyone

Mirrored Sites

In the event of a major earthquake, the main USGS websites may become overloaded with traffic. The same information is available on the following sites: