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OSC's mission is to promote broad understanding, awareness, and recognition of Caltech's research, people, accomplishments, and legacy across print and digital channels and events.

We work closely with divisions, departments, and individuals across campus to effectively communicate the impact Caltech has on science and the world through the Institute's main web pages, social media channels, central publications, events, and partnerships with media outlets and channels.

A  photo of Frances Arnold at the Nobel Prize press conference at Caltech
For Press and Media

Our staff can connect local, national, and international media organizations with Caltech researchers, faculty, and staff. We assist news crews with filming on campus, and help provide information, images, and multimedia assets. We also manage press briefings at the Media Center at the Caltech Seismological Lab.

Caltech letterhead on paper and envelops
Caltech Identity

Caltech's strategic identity system is a guide to help individuals across campus correctly use Caltech symbols, fonts, colors, and photos in correspondence, websites, publications, and projects.

A photo of a man holding a video camera
Filming at Caltech

OSC manages commercial filming and special occasion photography on Caltech's campus. We provide guidelines on commercial and documentary filming, forms for requesting videography and photography for private events, information about fees and payments, regulations, and other resources.

Caltech's voice on social media

Visit us on Facebook and Twitter
No instagram posts.